Thursday 21 April 2011

Controversial Easter

Company has put on Easter breakfast and hidden Easter eggs all over the building with name tags. How's a girl to stay on the straight and narrow?

Although in hindsight my gym session last night certainly didn't compensate for the amount of deliciousness I ate at Dinner Club. Matt put on a spread of note. Mussels baked with saffron, chorizo, lemon zest, onions, tomato and breadcrumbs. Then seafood paella with langoustines. Then churros with a choice of vanilla sugar or cinnamon sugar.

Spanish theme, yes. Well done you. Even delicious sangria.

Today also marked the 4th day in a row that I was late for work. 100% strike rate. This morning wouldn't have been late, but it's recycling and rubbish day and my lovely flatmates filled up two recycling containers and then did fark all about taking them downstairs. I considered moving one each into the boys' rooms but figured that was passive aggressive. So I took them downstairs, working up a sweat before I'd even walked to work. Grumbling the whole way. I also discovered I'd left my hairbrush at the gym last night so I have scruffy hair. Surprisingly good though. Still, suppose it's time to get a new brush, one with a handle that's not falling apart.

Then, the genii at Royal Mail put a collection slip through my door but didn't ring. Problem is, that delivery was the box and stuff for the British Television people to come on Tuesday morning and install. And I have to wait 48 hours before collecting. Doh! Easter weekend people. Easter weekend. The British Gas people also sent me my refund cheque to Mr Brock. So I can't bank it. It's been a good couple days for The British.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Awesome sauce

Of course I'm going to select the background named 'awesome' for my Blogger Blog. Duh!

In an attempt to create a place for photos and trip reports and general updates I'm moving to Blogger. LiveJournal just doesn't do it for me any more. Besides, I use Wordpress for my work blog and the slightly more intellectual and focused version of me, and I should really have first hand knowledge of the capabilities of Blogger. And while Google Plus 1 and Google Circles are still just a baby and foetus respectively, I'll want to play, I can tell.

What's going on at the moment? Lots. Do I have time to blog? No. GREAT START!