Monday 11 July 2011

Flying ants and parking cars

So I think it's flying ant day in Bristol, but seriously. Flying ant day in SA was all about the madness - battening down the hatches, turning off the lights and hiding until they all died, listening to them divebomb the windows and crawl under the doors.

Flying ant day here - not so much. First, the flying ants are tiny. Second, they don't really seem to fly. Third, there are a few. Not a swarm, just a few.

Maybe it's not actually flying ant day yet.

As I walked past a woman trying to park (three attempts it took, forward and back) this morning, I reflected that the British drivers seem to be obsessed with reverse parking. Ask one why, they say 'it's easier to get out that way'. But they don't seem to see that the extra effort it takes to reverse park completely outweighs the effort saved to pull out in one easy move. And why are the British obsessed with smooth getaways? Who. Knows.

First AFD in over two weeks today. I am virtuous. I even had greens for dinner. But I was repaid for my virtue by having to go to the shop for emergency toilet paper. Do housemates ever notice anything? Suspect not.